Middleton St Mary's CE (VC) Primary School

Welcome to Year 1


On behalf of the team, I would like to welcome you to Year 1.  Your child is now in Key Stage 1 and will learn through the National Curriculum for the next two years before moving into Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6). I am the KS1 Assistant Head and overall in charge of Key Stage 1 so please pop and say hello when you see me out in the playground in the morning. Miss Walls, Miss Wiseman and our teaching assistants are so excited to be teaching you this year at Middleton St Mary's! We know that you will love Year 1!

Each day, children will have a Phonics, English, Maths and topic lesson and they will record in their own workbooks. Children will be given a reading book and reading diary for their book bag which they must return to school every day. 

Your child will also have PE lessons in Year 1 so they will need to come in their kit on PE days. 

Each child will belong to the same house throughout their time at Middleton St Mary's. Our houses are named after saints and children earn house points for their learning. Each half term, the house with the most points is reward with a popcorn and DVD afternoon. Our houses are:

St Andrew - Blue

St George - Red

St Patrick - Green

St David - Yellow


Presentation and learning is crucial as we move through the school. In Year 1, we really focus on the early stages and mechanics of writing in everything we do through developing our coordination and focusing on accurate letter formation. Each year group has a set of non-negotiables.  Non-negotiables are the things that your child MUST be able to do independently before the end of school year without having to be reminded. We want to try to encourage these every time your child works (and at home with reading and learning tasks) but do not worry if your child cannot yet do these things. These are the expectations for the whole year.  Let's work on these together!

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you are concerned about your child's learning or would like to know how to support your child at home more and help them to progress further. We do hold Parents' Pupil Progress Meetings three times a year (October, February, July) to invite you in to look at your child's work and discuss their learning and attitude to learning with their class teachers, but if you need to speak in between, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the school office. 


Mrs S Marston, KS1 Lead and Assistant Head


In writing our non-negotiables are: 


Important Days


Both classes will have outdoor PE on Fridays. Children may come to school in their PE clothes on this day (any grey/black/navy joggers, jumper/hoodie, t-shirt-and trainers, but no football shirts).

Sycamore will have gymnastics in the hall on Tuesday and Hazel will have gymnastics on a Wednesday. We will provide the house t-shirts and children will need to bring in their black or navy shorts.


Tuesday Mornings.  

Useful websites to support your child's learning

Remember, the best way to support your child with reading is to listen to them read and to read to them as often as possible. Below are links to some useful websites that can also support your child's learning. For further suggestions and support, please don't hesitate to speak to one of our team.

Maths games



Phonics and reading

We use Read Write Inc to teach phonics. By clicking on the link below you'll find a series of  videos explaining the basics of Read Write Inc. These videos will help you to support your child to continue their phonics learning at home.



www.oxfordowl.co.uk  - Extra reading books and games

Speaking and Listening

We also recommend you download the 'Talk Share Learn Leeds' App which will give you some practical tips for ways to develop your child's speaking and listening.

Our fish investigation

In Autumn, Jane Goodhall sent us a letter asking us to become scientists and answer the question - are fish vertebrates or invertebrates. We cut open a fish as a class and found the backbone. It is a vertebrate! The children then had their own fish to cut open. We had lots of fun! Tomorrow we are writing a letter back to Jane Goodhall.

Bird feeders

We love learning outdoors in Year 1! In Autumn, we made bird feeders to feed the birds that visit the school grounds over the winter months.

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