Middleton St Mary's CE (VC) Primary School

Welcome to Year 3


Welcome you to Year 3.! Year 3 is part of Key Stage 2. Key Stage 2 is divided into 2 phases - Upper Key Stage 2 (Year 5 and 6) and Lower Key Stage 2 (Year 3 and 4).

We hope that your child really enjoys Year 3. Remember that you can come and speak to any one of us after school if you are worried or concerned about anything. The only night that we might say 'no' is on a Wednesday as we have to be in a staff meeting!  If you are unable to speak in person, please call the school office and arrange an appointment/phone call back after school.

The transition from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 can be difficult for some children, as the pace of work increases and the expectations for the quality and quantity of work children produce increases, please pop in to see us if this is the case.

We continue to have a heavy focus on our Non-negotiables as in the previous years, these are the things that we MUST be able to do before the end of the phase independently, by the end of Year 4. We want to try to encourage these every time we work (and at home with homework and learning tasks) but do not worry if your child cannot yet do all of these things. Children must be able to independently achieve the Year 2 non-negotiables before moving onto these. Let's work  together! 


In writing our non-negotiables are:

Important Days


Both classes will have outdoor PE on Monday afternoons. Please ensure that your child has appropriate PE kit (navy or black shorts/jogging bottoms/leggings and a t-shirt). 

Both classes will have gymnastics in the hall on a Friday. We will provide the house t-shirts and children will need to bring in their black or navy shorts.



Wednesday afternoons.

Useful websites to support your child's Learning

Remember, the best way to support your child with reading is to listen to them read and to read to them as often as possible. Below are links to some useful websites that can also support your child's learning. For further suggestions and support, please don't hesitate to speak to one of the team.


Purple Mash


We also recommend you download the 'Talk Share Learn Leeds' App which will give you some practical and fun ways to develop your child's speaking and listening.


It is really important that children read every day at home and in school. We expect ALL children to bring their reading book, signed reading diary, spelling book and homework folder to school each day in their book bag. In Key Stage 2, as children become more confident at reading, they will read books that have a QR code. The books can be quizzed on once the book has been read by logging into Accelerated Reader and entering their user name and password. 


Moor Flatts Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS10 3SW

0113 2717206
